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RMS Modules

Augment your RMS System

EFORCE Software | Officer Actions

Officer Actions

Like it or not, your agency is in the spotlight on every interaction you have with the public. And in the absence of data about those encounters, you're at the mercy of what someone else wants to say, truthful or not.

The Officer Actions module is designed to supplement our RMS product for agencies that want more data about use of force, person/vehicle searches, and the other high liability activities that your agency engages in. Powerful analytics compare demographics and other relevant information against your Officer’s in-field activity to provide unique insights into how your agency engages with the public. Let the data work FOR your agency with EFORCE® Officer Actions.

This module also does double duty for agencies with State mandated Use of Force, Bias and Integrity Reporting requirements. It can be easily interfaced with many State’s databases for direct submissions saving your entire agency time in entering, compiling, and submitting this data.

EFORCE Software | Citizen Reporting

Citizen Reporting

Is your agency struggling with resource deployment or staffing levels?  If so, it can be hard to ensure that lower priority calls for service are being addressed in a timely manner.  The Citizen reporting tool was designed to supplement your ability to connect with the public on low priority calls like Theft with No Suspect, Property Damage Crashes and more.

The Citizen Reporting Tool plugs in to your agency's public facing website, and allows citizens to file an incident report themselves.  That collected information is then served up to your RMS dashboard, allowing on duty Officers to get to them when their workload allows.

EFORCE Software | Personnel & Training

Personnel & Training

The Personnel and Training Module was built to help the track and manage your training hours.  This module make a convenient place to input training hours and track expenses either by training, or by Officer.  Set expiration dates for certifications that will need to be renewed, and EFORCE will even remind Officers of their need to re-certify with an alert on their RMS dashboard.

EFORCE Software | Protection Orders

Protection Orders

If your agency is inputing & tracking protection orders, you need to check out our Protection Orders Module.  This incorporates the Protection Order information into DNA history with a custom alert, and allows your personnel to access the full details of the order wherever they have access to RMS.

This module also makes a great way to track and issue Criminal Trespass Warnings as well.

Ken Clark
See it in action

Would you like to see this at your agency?

We'd love to schedule a demonstration with you to answer any questions you might have.  Have your agency head reach out and we'll give you guys a customized walk through of how these products work!